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Yi-Yuan Chang

Friday, September 23: 3:10-3:35

Layers of illusion

Lecture Description: 

Complexity of natural dentition has presented challenges for dental technicians to match the shade, form, surface details, and translucency. Limitations of ceramic materials, space, and capability of manipulating ceramic materials deepen the challenges. This presentation will focus on how to use multilayer porcelain technique to match shade and translucency. Specific attention will be given to building the various layers of ceramic that allow the development of optical properties in the final restorations that mimic natural teeth. Short videos of layering technique will be featured. The finishing techniques including contour, texture, surface colorants, glaze, and polishing are equally critical to the success of recreating a natural appearance and will be presented in details.

About presenter: 

Yi-Yuan Chang graduated in 2001 from Louisiana State University School of Dentistry in New Orleans with a Bachelor degree in Dental Technology and from the UCLA Master Dental Ceramist Program in 2003. He has been on faculty at UCLA Center for Esthetic Dentistry since 2003. Currently, he serves as Assistant Director and teaches various porcelain layering hands-on courses to students. Mr. Chang has presented lectures and teaches public hands-on porcelain layering courses for Vident/VITA. He self-published his book “Essence – A Portfolio of Dental Ceramics” in 2006. (Visit for details)