Current Ceramic Rehabilitation
The evolution of dental ceramics has revolutionized our ability to restore patients. Due to their preferred optical and biological properties, all-ceramic materials assessed to be ideal for tooth- and implant-supported restorations. Yet, the rapidly changing face of new material developments and techniques today, presents us with an ever expanding armamentarium to meet the challenges presented to us in restorative dentistry. An interdisciplinary approach, sound knowledge and awareness of new ceramic materials are essential if we strive for good function and long term predictability. To fabricate all-ceramic restorations, monolithic lithium-disilicate and monolithic translucent zirconia are replacing traditional veneering techniques and metal frameworks. This presentation will shortly review planning and preparation concepts for extended esthetic xed oral rehabilitations, using current ceramic solutions, asking what makes ‘new’ really ‘better’?
Upon completion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
• discuss aspects in selecting the ceramic restorative materials to use;
• identify the preparation techniques required by di erent materials;
• discuss the necessity of a close dentist- technician collaboration.
Dr. Christian Stappert is Professor at the Al- bert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany and Executive Medical Director (CMO, CTO) of the Swiss Smile Dental Group, Switzerland. Most recently, he taught as Professor and Di- rector of Periodontal Prosthodontics and Im- plant Dentistry at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, served several years as Director of Aesthetics and Periodontal Prost- hodontics at the Department of Periodontol- ogy & Implant Dentistry associated with the Department of Biomaterials & Biomimetics at New York University College of Dentistry. Prof. Stappert is cross-trained in Prosthodontics and Periodontics as well as Implant Surgery and graduated ‘Master of Science - Biomate- rials and Biomimetics’ at New York University. His research interests involve the reliability of dental materials and clinical restorations, as well as tissue management and the perio-im- plant interface. Dr. Stappert has published over 90 scienti c papers, book chapters and peer reviewed publications. He is editorial board member and reviewer of numerous scienti c dental journals, and active member inter alia at the AO, AAED as well as GNYAP, and past president of the IADR Prosthodon- tics Research Group.