Federico Ferraris, DDS
Texture and Translucency: Clinical Protocols - Two Key Factors in Esthetic Dentistry
Morphology is the key point in esthetics and appearance in dentistry, important aspects are also represented by the texture (the morphology of the surface), translucencies and opacities. These elements are definitely important key factors for the final outcome in restorative dentistry. In this lecture it will be shared how to achieve them with the clinical Adhesthetics protocols with composite materials and also the importance to dialogue with the dental technician in order to obtain this kind of dimensions of the tooth. Following specific protocols is absolutely mandatory in order to obtain predictable and stable results.
• To reproduce primary, secondary and tertiary anatomy with different materials
• To manage composite materials with different translucencies and/or colours in order to obtain natural halo effect in the incisali third
Dr. Ferarris draduated in Dental School at Genoa University as DDS in 1999.
EAED (European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) Active Member since 2006.
AIC (Italian Academy of Conservative) Active Member since 2007. Vice-president from 2016 to 2019. President elect for the biennium 2022-2023.
SCAD (Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry) Regional Councilor for Europe of for the biennium 2013/14 and 2015/16. Secretary for biennium 2017-2018. President elect for the biennium 2021-2022.
Member of the Editorial Board of IJED (International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry) since 2010.
AARD (American Academy of Restorative Dentistry) Member since 2014.
DSD (Digital Smile Design) Master since 2013.
International speaker at dental congresses and courses in more than thirty Countries.
Other informations: National President of AISO (Italian Association of Dental Students) in 1997-99. Trainer at the Dr. Massironi Prosthodontics Annual Master Course from 2004 to 2018.
Co-author of several Italian and International scientific publications including the book on Prosthodontics “Precision in Dental Esthetics” by D. Massironi, R. Pascetta, and G. Romeo published in 2004.
Active and Founder Member of MSC (Massironi Study Club) from 2007 to 2018.
Active and Founder Member of GICC (Interdisciplinar Gymnasium CAD CAM) from 2007 to 2016. Visiting Professor in Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry in different Universities: Genoa University (IT), University of Pisa (IT), Insubria University of Varese (IT), Alma Mater University of Bologna (IT), Dental School of Torino (IT), CEU University San Pablo of Madrid (ES), University of Almeria (ES), Universidad Europea de Madrid (ES), New York University (USA), University of Washington in Seattle (USA).
IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) Active Member since 2011.
IAAD (International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry) Member since 2013.
Dental practice in Alessandria, focusing in Operative Dentistry and Prosthodontics.