Color and appearance in dental technology: morphological and optical aspects.
The creation of lifelike dental restorations is a difficult and complex task, especially in the anterior region.
The determining factors of a successful restoration include the tooth shape, surface characterization, and propagation of light inside the restoration.
The ability of the human eye to perceive LIGHT-SHADOW contrast , which is the perception of the shapes, is far greater than its ability to perceive colors.
Small changes in morphology and value are immediately perceived , whereas minor changes in chroma and hue remain undetected.
By changing light reflection and deflection ,we consequently alter optical tooth size and form. The texture of the tooth surface also plays an important role in dental aesthetics. Every little change in micro and macro morphology of the tooth surface produces a different light reflection, immediately apparent especially if the restoration is among natural teeth.
The translucency, fluorescence, opalescence, and the value are others factors that greatly influence both optical shape and size of the teeth.
Furthermore, art and science, technology, knowledge, and technical skill are contributing factors to realization and individualization of aesthetic and lifelike restorations.
The objective of this course is to demonstrate:
- the importance of color perception and reproduction in our restorations
- Transmission of light phenomena and the influence on the final tooth appearance and color.
- management of morphology and illusory perception
- significant role of light reflection and deflection on optical tooth size and form
After receiving his degree in Dental Technology, Stefano Inglese has always shown a strong interest for the exact aesthetic and functional reproduction of dental restorations, concentrating his dental work in ceramics.
Thanks to his passion for art, science, numerous courses and work experiences aboard with renowned master technicians and clinicians, Stefano has perfected his technique and precision in aesthetics, function and biologic integration .
He is the owner of a dental laboratory in Pescina (Aq) Italy and one of the founding members of "Dental Excellence International Laboratory Group".
In 2003 he won second prize in the International competition for dental technicians "Occlusal Compass" and First prize for the best scientific and photographic documentation.
He is an active member IAED Italian Academy Esthetic Dentistry.
Stefano writes for national and international dental publications, in particular QTD “ Quintessence of dental technology “ 2012 and 2014, Quintessenz Zahntechnik and he coauthored with Dr.Anthony Sclar in the book” Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning II “ edited by Cohen. He presents at conferences and collaborates with clinicians of international fame, in Italy and abroad.
Stefano is the author of the book “Aesthetic Dental Strategies“ published by Quintessence in 2013.