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Gerard J. Chiche

Friday, October 18

Relating scientific data with clinical management of zirconia restorations

Lecture Description: 

It may be at times difficult to precisely know and evaluate the zirconia material received from the dental laboratory. This presentation will provide an in-depth comparison of the different types of zirconia materials (full-strength, translucent, strength gradient) presently available for every-day-use. Ceramic selection and clinical techniques will be discussed in light of relevant and critical literature. Finally, precise selection will be utilized when deciding when to cement or to bond zirconia.

  • Understand the various types of zirconia materials available. 
  • Select and manage zirconia restorations according to esthetics and strength properties. 
  • Decide when to cement or bond zirconia restorations. 
About presenter: 

Dr. Chiche is presently Clinical and Emeritus Professor at Louisiana State University School of Dentistry. He is a Past President of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and he has lectured in Esthetic Dentistry nationally and internationally in 35 countries. He is the author of two textbooks in Esthetic Dentistry published by Quintessence Publishing Co. He became in 2009 the first recipient of the Endowed Chair sponsored by the Thomas P. Hinman Dental Society during his tenure as Director of the Center of Esthetics and Implants at Augusta University. Finally, he is the 2020 recipient of the Icon Award for Lifetime Achievement in Dentistry of the Seattle Study Club.