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Javier Vasquez

Friday, October 18

Antiaging Dentistry and Facial Growth Assistance

Lecture Description: 

This lecture will cover the concept of antiaging dentistry and its impact on facial growth and aesthetics. This is a fascinating field that combines elements of dental science with aesthetic considerations to address how changes in dental structures can affect the overall appearance of the face.

The lecture will review the stages of facial growth from childhood through adulthood, emphasizing critical periods when dental interventions could have significant impacts. Explaining how different facial structures develop and mature, and how this knowledge is essential for effective dental treatment planning.

This concept understands the implications of growth into  esthetic conditions such as: incisal display, gingival display, length of the face, and  features related with face and esthetics.


The objective of the lecture is for attendees to understand the sequence and process of facial growth to be able to diagnose in adults when was the time and the lack to be able to make corrections.

Understand the proper mechanism of facial growth and discuss the consequences of an altered occlusal plane, including functional issues and their aesthetic implications.

About presenter: 

Dr. Vasquez obtained his Doctor in Dental Medicine degree at the Metropolitan University in 1997. He obtained his Fellowship in Fukuoka, Japan and a Mastership in the USA from ICCMO (International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics).
Dr. Vasquez the founder of Miami Natural Smiles by Oral Design Dental Clinic where together with an amazing clinical team of Doctors develop the most comprehensive and high end esthetic cases implementing the most advanced technology, science and dental art.
As part of his education commitments Dr. Vasquez is a current Clinical Adjunct Faculty at the Dental College of Augusta University in the Prosthodontist Program where he shares educational programs several times per year and also at the Biofunctional Dynamics Academy in Dijon, France, Barranquilla, Colombia and Miami, USA. Dr. Vasquez is one of the early adopters in CAD CAM evolution for over 18 years and in the last 6 years has been an active developer into the integration and interdisciplinary treatment using 3D Data Integration. Dr. Vasquez is a member of the world renowned organization Oral Design founded by Master Ceramist Mr. Willi Geller. He owns Oral Design Miami, dental laboratory studio focusing on high esthetics and function.
As a dentist, master ceramist , passionate education leader, clinical consultant and international speaker in the areas of occlusion, craniocervical dysfunction and high end esthetics he lives by his motto : “The limit is the sky! to dream, to learn, and to do! Live life!